Welcome to the Kenya Pilgrimage Fall 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Fall 2011 Kenya blog. The Kenya team from First Pres Norfolk will be at Nazareth Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, October 22-November 5. They will be preceded by Kate and Rudy Miller, our Kenyan missionaries, who will be on the ground in Kenya paving the way for the team earlier in October.

Whether working in and around the hospital and Holy Family Clinic, doing home visits to HIV/AIDS patients, visiting the Joy Home Children's Orphanage, or walking the beautiful tea fields down the lane, the story of their journey will unfold here. You are invited to step into their story through these daily blogs.

May God's blessings be upon these 12 pilgrims in their mission work in Kenya and upon all the children of God they encounter while there:

Valena Hoy, Sally I'Anson, Cheryll Johnston, Don Johnston, Dan Magee, Kate Miller, Rudy Miller, Betty O'Garr, Jeanne Perin, Bill Robinett, Iva Robinett, and Jim Wood.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Where Are You by Iva Robinett

Pastor Jim wanted his newly arrived pilgrims to ponder the first question of the bible--
Where are you? Today I am in Kenya at Nazareth Hospital because there is a time and season for all things.  After today, I know it is time for me to be here.  What a spectacular setting for God’s work!  Kenya is astounding beauty of a bountiful nature against the back drop of the astounding poverty of physical and social needs.  But, after spending just one day at the hospital, no poverty of spirit or lack of joy was shown by the patients and staff.

Many thanks to Lolleen, a beautiful 25-year-old dietitian, who was this initiate’s first-day guide.  She graciously gave me every opportunity to speak to patients.  She interpreted in Swahili for those who did not understand my English—often the 3rd language for most. 

Many thanks to Michael.  who stood up in front of the diabetes clinic and confidently translated information provided on diet, medication and foot care.  He was complimented for presenting like a teacher.  He then said he was a teacher.

Many thanks to Samuel, a newly diagnosed young man with type 1 diabetes. He is an orphan, works and studies, and now he is learning how to give himself two injections of insulin.  He credited his courage and “fortunate circumstances,” towards his faith in God.

Many thanks to the HIV(+) mothers, who showed the fortitude to get tested for a healthy baby, despite facing the stigma of being positive and possibly losing an HIV(-) husband.  They say they are living “positively,” controlling a chronic disease.  Say prayers for Elizabeth and baby, who is feeling guilty for not getting tested soon enough to prevent probable transmission to her 4-day old infant.

Where am I?  Tomorrow will be another answer.

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1 comment:

  1. I wonder where I am. We all do. The above brings me closer to an answer.
    I love you.
