Welcome to the Kenya Pilgrimage Fall 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Fall 2011 Kenya blog. The Kenya team from First Pres Norfolk will be at Nazareth Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, October 22-November 5. They will be preceded by Kate and Rudy Miller, our Kenyan missionaries, who will be on the ground in Kenya paving the way for the team earlier in October.

Whether working in and around the hospital and Holy Family Clinic, doing home visits to HIV/AIDS patients, visiting the Joy Home Children's Orphanage, or walking the beautiful tea fields down the lane, the story of their journey will unfold here. You are invited to step into their story through these daily blogs.

May God's blessings be upon these 12 pilgrims in their mission work in Kenya and upon all the children of God they encounter while there:

Valena Hoy, Sally I'Anson, Cheryll Johnston, Don Johnston, Dan Magee, Kate Miller, Rudy Miller, Betty O'Garr, Jeanne Perin, Bill Robinett, Iva Robinett, and Jim Wood.

Monday, October 31, 2011

I Pray a Blessing on You by Valena Hoy

“…I pray a blessing on you and your family.”

The riches and abundance of God’s Kingdom are found in surprising places.  I was made rich today through the poorest woman I have ever had the pleasure of visiting.  Her name is Lois.

When Lois saw Alice (a staff member at Holy Family Center) and me she immediately stood up from her dinner preparations and invited us into her home, a humble shack with outside walls and roof made of corrugated tin. 

We walked through the entrance of her home and took our seats in one of the cleanest dirt floor rooms I have ever seen. We barely fit into the space and the smell of smoke from the cooking fire through the feedbag walls fragranced the air.

Lois proceeded to share that her 14-year-old son has been helping her remember to take her HIV and TB medications.  She expressed how blessed she was to have such wonderful support from her family.  Even though I only understood what Alice translated, the gentle tone of Lois’ voice and humble presence captured my heart. 

We encouraged Lois to continue her faithful regime of medication along with a well balanced diet so that she would stay strong and less vulnerable to infections and disease.  As I sat in her simple and modest home, I was overwhelmed with gratitude to experience the richness in Lois’ life.  

As our time with her came to a close, I prayed for Lois and her family.  When I finished, Lois began talking again and Alice translated.  Lois said, “I thank you so very much for coming, I pray a blessing on you and your family.” 

As she spoke I felt an unexpected shower of blessing as I received riches beyond measure from a sister in Christ, who owns so little but lives abundantly in humility and love.

My cup overflows.

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  1. Thanks for sharing about Lois. I am drawn especially in this story to her son. What a gigantic responsibility that this boy has. Imagine reminding your mother to take her medication for AIDS and TB every day. It truly is a matter of life and death. Today I pray for him and his plight.

  2. I hope today is blessed for you today! Love you V

  3. Thanks for the reminder of God's love, Valena. A beautiful message... I can envision the home and your visit through your writing. Our prayers are with you and the team.

    Robin Cowherd
