Welcome to the Kenya Pilgrimage Fall 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Fall 2011 Kenya blog. The Kenya team from First Pres Norfolk will be at Nazareth Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, October 22-November 5. They will be preceded by Kate and Rudy Miller, our Kenyan missionaries, who will be on the ground in Kenya paving the way for the team earlier in October.

Whether working in and around the hospital and Holy Family Clinic, doing home visits to HIV/AIDS patients, visiting the Joy Home Children's Orphanage, or walking the beautiful tea fields down the lane, the story of their journey will unfold here. You are invited to step into their story through these daily blogs.

May God's blessings be upon these 12 pilgrims in their mission work in Kenya and upon all the children of God they encounter while there:

Valena Hoy, Sally I'Anson, Cheryll Johnston, Don Johnston, Dan Magee, Kate Miller, Rudy Miller, Betty O'Garr, Jeanne Perin, Bill Robinett, Iva Robinett, and Jim Wood.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Heroes by Rudy Miller

It’s October….World Series time in the States. In Kenya sport fans are focused on Soccer or the Rugby World Cup. Yet all sport fans seem to have their heroes.  Although some for only a season.

As yesterday evolved at Nazareth Hospital, God continued to bring heroes into my path. I have known Sister Alphena for several years. She is the administrative nurse at Nazareth Hospital. Yesterday she organized a medical camp for 300 patients at the Riuru Clinic. With a gentle spirit yet a firm grasp on a medical crew of 15 Alphena made each patient comfortable. From diagnoses of Typhoid Fever to Diabetes, I saw the respect each patient received.

Michael stopped by our home to speak with Pastor Jim and myself. Michael is the director of HFC and has the ultimate responsibility for 4200 HIV/AIDS patients and a medical staff of over 50. Michael explains that medical oversight is important, “but each patient needs to realize your compassionate caring for their health and that of their family.”

Teacher Matrina was on her way home from the Allamano School. Her day was finished yet she wanted to be certain her female students received the reusable feminine hygiene product and soap brought by the visitors. Yet, her greatest concern was for the spiritual well being of her students. She prayed that each student might have a better understanding of their relationship with other and with God. Right on….Matrina.

We ended our day with Alice. At the age of 14 Alice has never had a complete book to read….not one. Yesterday we gave her a 105 page book .…Tales of Africa. She finished it in one day and described, accurately, what she had read. Tonight she borrowed her second book, Black Beauty, and offered to be responsible for distributing and collecting three other books to several children. A librarian in a town without a library?

I realize the world may never cheer for the Teacher Matrinas or the Alices of Kenya, yet God reminds me daily that these folks will still be striving to complete their calling long after the cameras and visitors depart. They are my Heroes.  

You can help support this great cause. Visit www.treeoflives.org to learn more and click here to donate now.                                                                                              

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for letting me share your day Rudy. It was such a blessing to be with you and your heroes.
