Welcome to the Kenya Pilgrimage Fall 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Fall 2011 Kenya blog. The Kenya team from First Pres Norfolk will be at Nazareth Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, October 22-November 5. They will be preceded by Kate and Rudy Miller, our Kenyan missionaries, who will be on the ground in Kenya paving the way for the team earlier in October.

Whether working in and around the hospital and Holy Family Clinic, doing home visits to HIV/AIDS patients, visiting the Joy Home Children's Orphanage, or walking the beautiful tea fields down the lane, the story of their journey will unfold here. You are invited to step into their story through these daily blogs.

May God's blessings be upon these 12 pilgrims in their mission work in Kenya and upon all the children of God they encounter while there:

Valena Hoy, Sally I'Anson, Cheryll Johnston, Don Johnston, Dan Magee, Kate Miller, Rudy Miller, Betty O'Garr, Jeanne Perin, Bill Robinett, Iva Robinett, and Jim Wood.

Monday, October 24, 2011

So What Does the First Day on the African Continent Feel Like? by Dan Magee

So what does the first day on the African continent feel like?  Will there be a resemblance to the various parts of it that I’ve heard about over the years?  Will I be able to gain everything from the pilgrimage that God has placed here for me? 

It’s really important to me to turn a personal corner on this journey, to reach out for that personal relationship with God and not care who knows it; in fact, to let people know that’s exactly why I’m here.   I want to strip everything down to the essentials of a Christ-centered life, to honor those things of God and for God and in God, and to move through each day with a complete and joyful reliance on Him, particularly during the difficult times.

Today flowed naturally, with walks all over the compound and little visits with many of the people who make up the hospital and family community at Nazareth Hospital.  The walk to and through the tea fields was amazing.  We can hear about beauty; it’s altogether different to experience it directly. 

Meeting Nguvu and walking with him and his friends replaced the reports we receive in worship on Sunday mornings.  We’ve heard about the porch kids many times.  But building airplanes and helping to drive the joyous chaos alongside them made me as happy as I’ve been in a long time.

God’s presence is here – in each pinch of 2 leaves and a bud.  He is here in our evening devotion and our plan for tomorrow.  We looked at Genesis 3 this evening: God called to the man, “Where are you?”  Tonight I knew.

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1 comment:

  1. Dan, I am so glad that you are feeling and loving Africa. God's presence certainly is there. What a beautiful thing 2 leaves and a bud. Continue to soak it in. I know that you will be a blessing to many.
